HM on Location: Choice shares upscale updates at NYU

At the 46th annual NYU International Hospitality Industry Investment Conference, operated by information services and event company Questex (parent company of Hotel Management Magazine), Choice Hotels International highlighted brand updates for two of its upscale flags.

“Since the acquisition of the Radisson portfolio, we've really been focused on driving and elevating our upscale brands,” said Philipp Mirow, director at Choice Hotels and brand leader for Radisson and Radisson Blu. For Radisson, he continued, the company is focused on conversion opportunities and “injecting a sense of contemporariness into the brand.” Choice, he added, has been “investing heavily” in both internal resources as well as the brand to make that a reality.

New Elements

New design elements for Radisson guestrooms will include a seating nook that combines a workstation with a loveseat. According to Mirow, the unit will maximize efficiency for guests staying for business or leisure.

Guestrooms in Radisson Blu properties, meanwhile, will get a new “get ready” area with several components including a mirrored wardrobe, a space for storing luggage and a makeup counter. The components, Mirow said, evoke the brand’s “key Scandinavian principles” that evoke wellness and wellbeing—“taking a moment to yourself and to either get ready or unwind at the end of the day.” 

Radisson Blu Get Ready Zone

Both bands will be rolling out the visual identity design packages starting in the fourth quarter of this year, Mirow said. Cost per key and timelines for the updates are still being determined.